Welcome to Stevenage Festival!
Message from Ron Walker Chairman, Stevenage Festival.
Newsflash! Stevenage Day is on the 8th June 2025. We'll have a Rock in the Park as well!
Our programme at the Gordon Craig Theatre in 2023 is done. Hopefully you saw one or more of the events. If you want to have a look at what went on click on Main programme to view the page.
The fringe programme details can be found here. As ever, follow our Facebook page to keep up with the latest developments on all things Stevenage Festival.
Festival 2025 planning is well under way adn we hope to update the whatson page with information about the 2025 Festival SOON.
Rock in the Park took place as part of Stevenage Day 2024 on Sunday 9 June.
To view the programme of Bands/times etc visit the RITP24 page.
This page has the running order and as much info on the acts and bands as we could find, so you can look at which bands you had seen.
What is Stevenage festival?
Stevenage Festival has been taking place since 1994 (click here to view a pdf of the 1994 programme) and provides a showcase for all the exciting talent that we have right here on our doorsteps in the Stevenage area. It takes place every two years and involves something like two thousand local performers and artists of all descriptions. The core of the Festival is a series of performances in our very own Gordon Craig Theatre and we also have a vibrant fringe of smaller events taking place around the town. Lots of our performances feature young people taking their first steps in an activity that they love - please come along and support them. Who knows, some of them may go on to great things - and you saw them here first. Whether you are into fine art, poetry, photography, theatre, dance, books or music, from classical concerts to Rock in the Park, there's something in the Festival for you. If you'd like to see the sort of thing that we have done in the past then take a look at our history pages.
If you are a local arts group and would like to get involved then please get in touch (email details at the foot of the page). We'd also be pleased to hear from any local businesses or other organisations who would like to be part of this creative initiative that helps make Stevenage a better place to live and work.
I would like to thank all the people who make the Festival possible - all the local groups and individuals who work so hard to put on performances and events and the audiences who come to support them; our patrons for their support; Stevenage Arts Guild, which keeps the arts on the agenda all year round; Hertfordshire Music Service; local councillors who have squeezed funds for us out of their locality budgets; the Gordon Craig Theatre and my committee of volunteers who work tirelessly to make the whole thing happen.
Artistic and cultural activity is vital for wellbeing and for community building - we look forward to playing our part in restoring and enhancing these activities for the people in our town.
Stevenage Festival Organisation
Festivals like this take a long time to plan.
Planning for 2025: We held a general meeting to discuss the 2025 and future Festivals at the Gordon Craig Theatre (in the Lewis Silkin Room, which is on the upper floor) on Friday 10 November 2023 at 7:30pm. Please email info@stevenage-festival.co.uk to receive further information.
If you are a local arts group and want to know more or would like to be involved then please contact us at the "Info" email address at the foot of this page.
If you have any questions, or want to provide feedback about events, please feel free to contact us at either of the email addresses at the foot of this page. Your feedback is always appreciated.
The Festival is grateful to the following patrons for their support:
The Lord Lieutenant of Hertfordshire,
Martha Lytton-Cobbold, Rebecca Kelly,
Councillor Richard Henry, Councillor Simon Speller,
Marie Joy Taylor, Ellen Terry May Craig,
Helen Craig and Vicki Michelle
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Stevenage Festival
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Stevenage Festival
You can find us on our Facebook page or email us using the email link on this page.
Page Last updated: 8 Dec 2024
For general queries - info@stevenage-festival.co.uk
For website problems - webmaster@stevenage-festival.co.uk